"Feeling Good and Looking Good"

Guiding Question

Why is physical fitness a personal matter ?

Personal Fitness is a personal matter because its based off what you think you need to do to make yourself look and feel great not anyone else.

How do some people neglect their health by choosing not to participate in physical activity?

Some people neglect their health choosing not to participate in physical activity by spending more time watching t.v, playing video games, being on the computer, or by using any type of technology.

What are the primary health risk factors, and which ones may  be controlled?

The primary health risks factors are the ones you can controll and the ones you can't control. The ones you can control are inactivity, obesity, high blood pressure, sress and tension, high level cholesterol, and smoking.

What benefits are being gained by exercising?

Benefits being gained by exercising are improve in your appearance, your body image will improve, it'll improve your self control, you have more energy, and it'll help you succeed in school or at your job.

What is the relationship between wellness and personal fitness?

The relationship between welless and personal fitness is that by wellness being what you gain by being personally fit.

What is a personal fitness program?

A personal fitness program is a plan that you create that contains activities you could do to help yourself become physically fit, and feel good about your self.